Duke University School of Medicine
Clinical Work:
Student providing clinical support services. Team Lead: Norah Karlovich
Contact Information:
Luke Wachsmuth (lpw9@duke.edu)
Resource Production and Acquisition:
Students collecting PPE from local businesses and sewing masks for hospital use. Team Leads: Hannah Cunningham, Elena Drews, Nali Gillespie
Contact Information:
Luke Wachsmuth (lpw9@duke.edu)
Students providing childcare for healthcare workers. Team Leads: Nali Gillespie, Ethan Srinivasan
Contact Information:
Luke Wachsmuth (lpw9@duke.edu)
Household Help:
Students providing petcare and grocery/pharmacy runs for healthcare workers. Team Leads: Sonali Biswas, Nali Gillespie, Christine Ha, Alexis Musick, Hadley Reid, Willis Wong
Contact Information:
Luke Wachsmuth (lpw9@duke.edu)
University of North Carolina School of Medicine
General Services:
Assist with proper donning and doffing of PPE to protect both patients and healthcare workers, and also cut down on waste.
Contact Information:
Austin Lucke, Edward Diaz, Diana Dayal, Neil Bartl, Ryan Searcy (austin_lucke@med.unc.edu)
COVID-19 Education:
Be on the team that creates educational material for the hospital, attendings, patients, etc at Atrium Health.
Contact Information:
Harish Pudukodu (harish_pudukodu@med.unc.edu)
Resource Production and Acquisition:
Calling local Wilmington businesses to ask for PPE donations and working to design face shields using either 3D printers or material assembly line.
Contact Information:
Megan Watkins, Ali Eakes, Matt Yeager (meagan_watkins@med.unc.edu)
Visitation and Check-In:
Help ICU teams get in contact with families at Atrium Health, document goals of care, and provide healthcare navigation and emotional support.
Contact Information:
Tony Asher (anthony_asher@med.unc.edu)
Resource Production and Acquisition:
In Charlotte, help with face shield 3D printing led by Dr. Chai of Atrium Health, in partnership with teams at UNCC and Charlotte Latin.
Contact Information:
Rob Short (robert_short@med.unc.edu)
Resource Production and Acquisition:
In coordination with BeAM Makerspace on the UNC campus, we are assembling and packaging face shields for healthcare workers across UNC Health to wear when treating patients who have or are under investigation for COVID-19. Our goal is to produce 40,000+ face shields over the next month.
Contact Information:
Demi Canoutas, Alex Gertner, Alex Gregor, Ryan Searcy, Sean Donohue (ppefornc@gmail.com)
COVID-19 Education:
Make calls with Curamericas to inform Spanish-speaking community members across NC, SC and VA about COVID19, prevention, and resources.
Contact Information:
Lauren Ellis, Andrew Marburg, Rebecca Rubinstein (andrew_marburg@med.unc.edu)
Arts, Media, and Entertainment:
Our favorite “What the Health?” Charlotte podcast is providing helpful COVID information to medical students and the greater Charlotte community. They’ve hosted several live discussions with Atrium EM Attendings & plan to continue helping us stay connected during these uncertain times.
Contact Information:
Abby Loszko, Harish Pudukodu (abigail_loszko@med.unc.edu)
Screening and Testing:
Screen everyone that wants to enter the Atrium Huntersville location, including taking temperatures, identifying symptoms & risk profiles for all patients entering the building. Facilitate quarantine in cars and communication with provider if/when someone is exhibiting symptoms. Students will be provided with a mask, gloves, purple wipes, and all necessary supplies.
Contact Information:
Maddie Concord, Maddie Watts (madison_watts@med.unc.edu)
Screening and Testing:
Student volunteers assisting with COVID screening process at Durham VA. Students will assist with screening, triage, and vitals at testing location. PPE is being provided but role requires direct contact with likely COVID-positive patients.
Contact Information:
Shane Bierly (shane_bierly@med.unc.edu)
Screening and Testing:
Student Volunteers to help with intake of patients (including screening questionnaire, vitals, etc) at the VA hospital in Asheville
Contact Information:
Internal Activity
Visitation and Check-In:
Students will reach out to our high risk patients or high utilizers from UNC Wakebrook and perform needs assessment in this unique patient population (primary care for patients with severe mental illness) and brief COVID-19 education. Student will communicate patient concerns/needs to patient’s PCP at the clinic.
Contact Information:
Jess Waters (jswaters@med.unc.edu)
Visitation and Check-In:
This program is focused on helping assist rural counties outside of Orange and Durham with their senior services. The programs we will be assisting with include food/personal hygiene product deliveries, medication deliveries, and virtual wellness check-ins.
Contact Information:
Luke Ford (richard_ford@med.unc.edu), Caleb Smith (caleb_smith@med.unc.edu)
Information Hotline:
Volunteer as a call center attendant for Brunswick County Call Center Volunteer. This primarily involves monitoring calls for Brunswick County’s Public Health Call Line, triaging COVID-19-related calls for public heath nurses, and assisting staff in calling all (~900) residents in the Access and Functional Needs Registry.
Contact Information:
Jiyun Chang (jiyun_chang@med.unc.edu)
Resource Production and Acquisition:
We are calling and emailing local businesses in the Chapel Hill area (clinics, dentists, tattoo parlors, cleaning companies, construction companies, etc.) that may use PPE including masks, gloves, face shields, gowns, hand sanitizer, etc. that may have closed or reduced operations during this time to see if they are willing to donate. We are giving information for drop off locations, but also offering to pick up supplies from these companies and bringing them to drop off locations.
Contact Information:
Brianna Frame, Megan Grant (brianna_frame@med.unc.edu)
We are coordinating an effort across UNC’s community of health professional students and undergraduate students to help fulfill these childcare needs and connect hospital employees who are unable to find childcare with students who are interested in volunteering to provide this service.
Contact Information:
Allie Harbert, Anna Silverstein (unchealthchildcare@gmail.com)
Wake Forest School of Medicine of Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center
Putting together care packages for frontline staff.
Contact Information:
Madison Simas (msimas@wakehealth.edu)
Clinical Work:
Students in this volunteer project would be on alist of last available backup to local EMS systems in the event that EMS become overwhelmed and request additional personnel during the COVID-19 pandemic.
Contact Information:
Sydney Schieffer (sschieff@wakehealth.edu)
Research and Data Collection:
The goal of the Literature Review team is to create concise academic reviews of the research papers rapidly being published regarding COVID-19, in order to compile these for efficient clinician, student and faculty use. The team will be building a Google site called Covid-19 Student Literary Review that functions like a website version of a Google Doc.
Contact Information:
Leigh Anne Kline (lkline@wakehealth.edu)
Food Services:
Volunteering to sign up as a Meals on Wheels back-up food delivery volunteer and/or to donate food to senior services through the non-contact food drive.
Contact Information:
Nikki Mehran (mmehran@wakehealth.edu)
Visitation and Check-In:
Volunteers make calls to Wake Forest House Call Program patients and their families. The House Call Team is concerned about several issues including: stress management, social isolation, emotional responses to this crisis, and food insecurity.
Contact Information:
Chloe Ferris (cferris@wakehealth.edu)
Clinical Work:
Volunteers would perform a verbal screen for potential COVID-19 symptoms/exposure AND take temperatures on each person entering Wake Forest Baptist Medical Center. Volunteers will receive training to ensure proper screening techniques and proper personal protective equipment are used.
Contact Information:
Abigail Peoples (aepeople@wakehealth.org)