University of Nevada, Reno School of Medicine
Food Services:
Food bank volunteers set up through UNR Med.
Contact Information:
Sarah Sutton (
Information Hotline:
Med students are volunteering daily to answer information call lines for the Health District as well as the university clinic, triaging patients into high and low risk, giving advice to patients, and providing recommendations for COVID testing.
Contact Information:
Mike Taylor (
Screening and Testing:
Medical students are gearing up with PPE and swabbing and testing all suspected COVID patients at both the county health district and the University clinic. They are really putting themselves out there to relieve the nursing staff who usually perform these tests.
Contact Information:
Lauran Evans (
Household Help:
Provide childcare for healthcare workers.
Contact Information:
Sarah Sutton (
Visitation and Check-In:
Provide one-to-one check-in calls or peer support for elderly community via videoconference.
Contact Information:
Peter Phaight (
Screening and Testing:
Screening employees of the Health District, 9, etc. for symptoms and taking temperatures of employees before arriving at work that day.
Contact Information:
Mike Taylor (
Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine (TUNCOM)
Clinical Work:
3rd and 4th year students providing clinical services as needed for the community. Sign-ups at
Contact Information:
Cassandra McDiarmid (
COVID-19 Education:
Providing accurate and up to date information for the community on COVID. Information can be found at or via Twitter @TouroNVMedReady
Contact Information:
Cassandra McDiarmid (
Food Services:
Going to the grocery store for high risk, immunocompromised, and first responders in the community. Sign-ups at
Contact Information:
Cassandra McDiarmid (
Outreach and Social Media:
Providing up to date and accurate COVID information to the community via Twitter @TouroNVMedReady
Contact Information:
Parisun Shoga (
Academic Tutoring:
Providing free online tutoring for K-12 and undergraduate students, and pre-med/PT/OT/PA mentoring for pre-health professional students. Sign-ups at
Contact Information:
Cassandra McDiarmid (