Michigan State University College of Human Medicine
Administrative Services:
Michigan State University HealthTeam has a COVID-19 Triage Line for patients with cold or flu symptoms to call before arriving at the office. The academic multidisciplinary medical group also is providing medical and nursing students triage experience during a pandemic. Students from the three human health science colleges are trained and answer calls from patients under the supervision of Cathleen M. Hipps, MSN, RN, CNOR, and Colleen Hammond, RT(R), (MR), MRSO. Students screen patients for COVID-19 symptoms and direct them to proper care.
Contact Information:
Neej Patel (neej.patel@msu.edu)
Resource Production and Acquisition:
MSU College of Human Medicine student Neej Patel is working with Med Supply Drive to collect and donate unused PPE to local hospitals, ERs, and clinics in Michigan.
Contact Information:
Neej Patel (neej.patel@msu.edu)
Resource Production and Acquisition:
[EvolveK12 is not affiliated with any medical school or medical center.] EvolveK12 is a local organization in Metro Detroit working to ensure that frontline workers and first responders receive the PPE they need during these difficult times. We are currently fundraising for our PPE supply chain and care package creation.
Contact Information:
Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine
Medical students from Oakland University William Beaumont School of Medicine are filling a unique need by babysitting children for Beaumont Health physicians, residents, and anyone else working extra hard in the battle against COVID-19.
Contact Information:
Megan McCrohan (megan.mccrohan@oakland.edu), Evan Brickner (evan.brickner@oakland.edu), Rachel Harvey (rachel.harvey@oakland.edu)
Resource Production and Acquisition:
Soliciting smaller grocery stores for any PPE that they could donate. Other donations have come from Gleaners Community Food Bank, Lighthouse of Oakland County, Micah 6 Community, Sprout, Dream Centers of Michigan, and the Venetian Club of Mutual Aid, among others.
Contact Information:
Joshika Money (joshika.money@oakland.edu)
University of Michigan Medical School
Visitation and Check-In:
Calling elderly, disabled, and otherwise vulnerable populations identified through community centers and clinical connections for social support during isolation, needs assessment, and follow up delivery of food and other highly needed supplies.
Contact Information:
Michael Broderick (michbrod@med.umich.edu)
Childcare for medical students, house officers, and faculty impacted by school closures and long work hours.
Contact Information:
Serena Bidwell (sbidwell@med.umich.edu)
Clinical Work:
Development of clinical avenues for voluntary student help with clinical care of patients including scribing, manning testing sites, respiratory therapist extenders and other needs as they are identified in both our hospital and potential field hospitals being discussed.
Contact Information:
Michael Broderick (michbrod@med.umich.edu)
Screening and Testing:
Obstetric health initiative in which patients are called both during pregnancy and post-partum for various screening and check-in purchases.
Contact Information:
Susan Carlson (sumcarls@med.umich.edu)
Resource Production and Acquisition:
Staffing supply chain center for collecting, sorting, and distributing PPE donations and deliveries from community members and companies producing PPE (i.e. Ford, etc.), combined with student staff calling all local businesses, schools, labs, etc. for inquires into supply surplus and donations. Also, students educating 24/7 PPE training locations within hospital for staff education on up-to-date donning and doffing procedures.
Contact Information:
Ali Hammoud (alimh@med.umich.edu)
Information Hotline:
Students staffing university hotline, screening patients with multistep decision tree lifting call burden off already strained providers and allowing for close to 24/7 coverage of the line. Developed technological work-around to allow calls to be taken from home to reduce transmission risks of previously in person call center.
Contact Information:
Michael Broderick (michbrod@med.umich.edu)
Western Michigan University Homer Stryker M.D. School of Medicine
Household Help:
Consists of a team of students who work on pairing students to providers in need to assist with things such as childcare, grocery runs, or pharmacy runs. We are also in contact with other students in the state providing similar services to their areas.
Contact Information:
Arlene Ho (arlene.ho@med.wmich.edu)
Information Hotline:
COVID-19 Medical Response/Preparedness Unit. Working as part of state COVID telephone hotline to help providers and patients identify and register with COVID testing centers in their area.
Contact Information:
Arika Wieneke (arika.wieneke@med.wmich.edu)
Resource Production and Acquisition:
Organizing Sewing Face Masks, cutting out masks from pattern, making fabric ties for SW Michigan.
Contact Information:
Nicole Fledderman (nicole.fledderman@med.wmich.edu)
Food Services:
Organizing volunteers to put together food boxes for local food pantry Loaves and Fishes.
Contact Information:
Christine Tran (khanphi.tranvu@med.wmich.edu)
PenPal Project at Heritage Community of Kalamazoo. 24 weekly letters/postcards to several memory care facility residents since they cannot have visitors.
Contact Information:
Arika Wieneke (arika.wieneke@med.wmich.edu)