Louisiana State University School of Medicine in Shreveport

General Services:

A volunteer group was organized, comprised of fellow students, to lift some of the burden on doctors, nurses and other vital medical workers. So far, around 64 medical students from LSU Health have volunteered to help with simple – but necessary – tasks, such as running to the grocery story or pharmacy for a frontline medical worker.

Contact Information:

Taylor Thompson (olsugroceries@gmail.com)

LSU Health Sciences Center School of Medicine in New Orleans

General Services:

“LSU School of Medicine vs. COVID-19”, program created allowing medical students to help frontline healthcare workers with daily tasks including child care, animal care, errands, groceries, etc.

Contact Information:

Jantzen Collette (jcol22@lsuhsc.edu)

Food Services:

LSUHSC COVID-19 Food Delivery. Program to put volunteer students in contact with agencies around the city tasked with delivering food to at risk populations.

Contact Information:

Jantzen Collette (jcol22@lsuhsc.edu)

Resource Production and Acquisition:

Spirit of Charity PPE drive. Soliciting local businesses around the New Orleans area for PPE equipment for donation to UMC New Orleans, our largest community teaching and safety-net hospital.

Contact Information:

Jantzen Collette (jcol22@lsuhsc.edu)

Research and Data Collection:

Students can assist residents currently working on a number of COVID-19 related research projects.

Contact Information:

Jantzen Collette (jcol22@lsuhsc.edu)

Visitation and Check-In:

Tulane/LSU Seniors’ Sidekicks. A joint effort between Tulane SoM and LSUHSC-New Orleans SoM partnering with New Orleans Council on Aging and local nursing home to provide companionship to the vulnerable elderly population via at least once daily phone call check-ins.

Contact Information:

Jantzen Collette (jcol22@lsuhsc.edu)

Tulane University School of Medicine

Resource Production and Acquisition:

We are currently soliciting and accepting donations from the community, local businesses, and industry for personal protective equipment (PPE), which is in critically low supply at local hospitals due to the COVID outbreak. We are working with the school of medicine administration, local hospital administration, and dedicated physicians from Tulane Medical Center and University Medical Center New Orleans (UMC).

Contact Information:

Alex Woodbridge (awoodbridge@gmail.com)

Outreach and Social Media:

We are using social media platforms and outreach within the school and community to document our efforts, engage the community, and gain support for PPE donations.

Contact Information:

Alex Woodbridge (awoodbridge@gmail.com)

Resource Production and Acquisition:

We have created a YouTube tutorial on safe and efficient DIY Single Use Gowns using easily accessed materials. These were designed in consultation with medical professionals (listed at the end of the tutorial) who are infectious diseases specialists, who have experience with vetting PPE, and/or who have worked in resource-scare areas during prior epidemics. We are organizing medical students locally in the production of these gowns for in-need healthcare institutions in New Orleans.

Contact Information:

Hannah Daneshvar (hdaneshvar@tulane.edu)